I’m the author / co-author of five books, all of which are rooted in Nature and gentle, holistic wellbeing. Two of my books explore the rich, ancient ‘science of life’, Ayurveda, which I’ve both studied and learned-through-living, for 15 years now. I am presently working on my sixth book – an exploration of Mother Nourishment for our middle years, while we raise ourselves alongside our kids, navigating transitions from peri- to menopause, which is out Spring 2026.
I spent nine years at Psychologies magazine as Health + Wellness Director, before moving to mindfulness title, oh mag, as Editor, and then to organic veg box company Riverford, as their Managing Editor, where I presently work.
I’ve spent 20 years learning about ways to look after ourselves (even retraining as a holistic therapist in 2013), championing what is truly helpful/practical/affordable over what just adds more weight to our already-burdened shoulders.
Through postnatal depression and complete burnout, I’ve also learned the crucial importance of rest, nourishment, connection to Nature and slices of time alone, away from the home, to-do lists + kids (however rare the latter may be).
I share all I’ve learned through my ongoing journey as an author, editor + holistic therapist, via my bi-monthly letters + Substack community, MOTHER NOURISH.